Merge’s MassCEC Triple Decker Design Challenge winning proposal, The Back Stack, made an appearance within the Boston Globe’s article entitled ‘Triple-deckers can rise again for the 21st century’. The article positions the iconic New England type as an ideal candidate for rehabilitation to increase the supply of needed affordable, energy-efficient housing in the Boston area. Merge’s Back Stack proposal aligns with this goal, comprising the addition of a vertically-oriented residential unit and a deep energy retrofit of a typical triple decker.
The Back Stack Appears in the Boston Globe
Six Not-So-Flat Featured on World Architects
Merge’s entry to the Come Home Chicago Missing Middle Infill Housing Competition, Six-Not-So-Flat, was featured in an article on World Architects dedicated to the exhibition at the Chicago Architecture Center published on March 10.
Six Not-So-Flat Featured on Archinect
Merge’s entry to the Come Home Chicago Missing Middle Infill Housing Competition, Six-Not-So-Flat, was featured in an article on Archinect dedicated to the exhibition at the Chicago Architecture Center published on March 20.
Six-Not-So-Flat Featured in Come Home Chicago Missing Middle Infill Housing Exhibition
Merge is excited to announce that our submission has been selected for inclusion in the Come Home Chicago Missing Middle Infill Housing Exhibition at the Chicago Architecture Center.
The Back Stack Wins Triple Decker Design Challenge
Merge is the proud winner of the 3+ Retrofit Design Award for our Triple Decker Design Challenge hosted by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.